Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Biomedical Mode of Health

The biomedical model of health Introduction In health psychology it is seen that health is defined by different models. One such model is the biomedical model of health which revolves around the aspect of a healthy body. The model was introduced in the nineteenth century and has been used widely to diagnose diseases by the doctors. According to the model every disease or disorder is caused by a physical harm. In other words the diseases or disorders are caused by germs or genes which might be changing the internal environment of the body to cause the disease.Although it has been introduced in the nineteenth century, the roots of the model date back to the 17th century when Cartesian dualism existed. After its introduction the model replaced the previously famous Humoral paradigm in the twentieth century. The discovery of antibiotics proved to be a breakthrough in the approval of the model. However in the late twentieth century some of the sociologists again started questioning the in tegrity of the biomedical model of health as they considered the social wellbeing of an individual to be as important as the biological well being (Curtis 2002; Taylor 2008; Lovallo 2005; Havelka et al 2009).Biomedical Model of Health The biomedical model of health takes its roots from the Cartesian Dualism which is dated back to the seventeenth century in the times of Descartes. Cartesian Dualism revolved around the aspect that both mind and body are two separate entities irrespective of their functions. In a similar fashion the model considers physical causes to be the main reason for the disease. The model has replaced the previously followed Humoral Paradigm which was formed by the Greeks.According to this paradigm the diseases in a human body are caused by a certain abnormality in the four basic fluids of the body. In those times the four basic fluids of the body were believed to be blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm. The treatment of this paradigm also revolved around t he maintenance of these four basic fluids. One thing that the Humoral paradigm and biomedical model of health have in common is that both of them consider bodily factors to be the cause of the disease (Curtis 2002).The biomedical model of health revolves around certain factors which have to be present. The model states that for a person to be unhealthy they have to have some sort of biological abnormality. It also states that every disease has some specific cause which has to be diagnosed by the doctor in order to cure the patient. It also involves the process of treatment and states that the human body can be reversed back to the normal condition if the right treatment is served to the diseased person. It states that psychological and social processes do not take part in the disease causing process.Moreover it also assumes that mind and body are two different entities that have no such relation with each other and lastly the health of the whole society is dependent on the resources that are available to the medical society as a whole (Taylor 2008). The model is largely followed all over the world and its principles are also seen to be the most convincing these days. It is because of this model that researches are being conducted on the biochemical and genetic processes of the body to find out about the different diseases.Moreover all the doctors being trained these days are trained on the principles of this model as they have to learn about the internal environment of a human being so that they can treat them. In other words they have to understand the human body so that they can intervene in the process of disease that may be causing harm to the patient (Curtis 2002; Taylor & Field 2007). It has helped to carry out several projects have proved to be a breakthrough in treating various diseases occurring in the society. The Human Genome Project is an example of the advantages of this model.Human Genome Project was a project launched in the year 1990 by interna tional authorities to find out the sequencing of the human genome along with the identification of the chemical base pairs. Human genomes are the genes which contain information about the hereditary characteristics that an individual would possess. In human beings these are found in the form of genes located on the chromosomes. It is this human genome project which allowed the doctors to learn a lot about the structure of chromosomes, the proteins coded by the genes, and the number of genes in a human being.It has also made the surgeries safe and effective. Moreover it has also assisted in controlling the diseases occurring all over the world and this can be noticed in the statistics of morality in the different nations. The diseases which were previously considered to be untreatable can now be treated because of the knowledge acquired after the introduction of this model. As an example the cases of pneumonia and appendicitis can be considered which previously were untreatable. Pneu monia is a disease caused by the bacteria Pneumococcus and affects the lungs whereas appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix.Pneumonia is a life threatening condition which could not be cured previously but nowadays it can be cured with the help of antibiotics. Appendicitis is also a lethal condition which can be cured with the help of surgery. (Taylor & Field 2007; Havelka et al 2009; Robbins et al 2005). Limitations of the Biomedical Model of Health The biomedical model of health has its own shortcomings and is termed as reductionist by the opponents. In other words it does not broaden its concept towards the factors other than genes and chemicals for example the factors relating to economic or social environment of the individual.This however is covered by the holistic approach which takes the whole situation in consideration before taking a step. Similarly another factor that is mentioned is the relation of the model to the physical causes of the diseases concerned. The opponents point out that not all the diseases are related to physical causes but some of them are caused by a multitude of the factors. An example of the heart disease atherosclerosis can be cited here in which the factors of genetics, diet, and lifestyle play a role (Curtis 2002).It is also criticized to be more related to the aspect of curing rather than preventing the disease. It is believed to be totally ignoring the aspects of social and psychological variants which do have a role in the progression of a disease. The treatment process is also related to these variants and again this model does not take into consideration these variants because of which some treatments do not go successful (Taylor 2008). Lastly, the model emphasizes on the body in particular irrespective of the role that mind plays in the health of an individual.This aspect of the model can be denied because the research these days show that the mind plays a great role in influencing the body. Some diseases may be caused because the person may be living in unstable economic conditions and these conditions are not taken into consideration by the model. An example can be cited here in the therapies that are recommended for people who are suffering from different diseases. For example the cognitive therapy recommended for patients suffering from cancer. Cognitive therapy is recommended in the treatment of certain cancers as individuals undergoing he treatment suffer from symptoms like pain, memory loss, lack of concentration, irrational behaviour and mood swings. Cognitive therapies can help in relieving all these symptoms as shown by different researches. (Curtis 2002; Scipio et al 2006). Conclusion The biomedical model of health has been questioned by many sociologists as it does not take the aspect of social well being in its definition. Health is a factor which is dependent on all the aspects of life as put down by the sociologists.Economic and social factors should also be considered wh en analyzing the health of an individual. These factors also determine the emotions of an individual and hence the person can be sociologically unfit. In other words it is not necessary for a healthy person to be sociologically fit in the current definition of the biomedical model of health. In the latter half of the twentieth century it was realized that the biomedical model of health can be applied to the ones who are diseased biologically but not the ones who are unfit by other means.This approach therefore led to the adaptation of a new approach known as holistic approach. It is seen that nowadays the biomedical model is adopted for curing purposes along with other factors of society when curing a disease (Curtis 2002; Taylor & Field 2007; Derick & Halligan 1970; Checkland et al 2008). References Lovallo, W. R. , & Lovallo, W. R. (2005). Stress & health: Biological and psychological interactions. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications. Checkland, K. , Harrison, S. , McDonald, R . , Grant, S. , Campbell, S. , & Guthrie, B. (January 01, 2008).Biomedicine, holism and general medical practice: responses to the 2004 General Practitioner contract. Sociology of Health & Illness, 30, 5, 788-803. Havelka, M. , Lucanin, J. D. , & Lucanin, D. (January 01, 2009). Biopsychosocial model–the integrated approach to health and disease. Collegium Antropologicum, 33, 1, 303-10. Taylor, S. E. (2008). Health psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Curtis, A. J. (2002). Health psychology. London: Routledge. Taylor, S. , & Field, D. (2007). Sociology of health and health care. Oxford: Blackwell Pub.Wade, Derick T, & Halligan, Peter W. (1970). Do biomedical models of illness make for good healthcare systems?. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Kumar, Vinay, Abul K. Abbas, Nelson Fausto, Stanley L. Robbins, and Ramzi S. Cotran. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders, 2005. Abernethy AP, Keefe FJ, McCrory DC, Scipio CD, Matchar DB. Behavioural therapies for the management of cancer pain: a systematic review. In: Flor H, Kalso E, Dostrovsky JO, editors. Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Pain. Seattle: IASP Press; 2006. p. 789–98.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Colors in the Caves Narrative Essay

It was Spring Break of 2010, the already steamy, hot temperatures of the Southern air rising despite the full blast of the air conditioning blowing through my hair as we drive through the seemingly never-ending desert of Arizona. My family, consisting of four, is headed toward Picacho Peak to take on the strenuous 6. 2-mile hike along the Sunset Vista Trail. We pull up to the Sunset Vista Trail Head parking area, our medium-sized Camelbaks having already been packed somewhere along the 1,060 miles of flat, boring road, we start up the trail with the sun beating down our backs.Automatically, I fall in step with my long-legged brother while my sister gratefully stays behind with our mother, adopting a preferred slow, steady pace. The sun is bright, the jagged rocks and occasional stream receiving its pale, yet blinding reflection. My brother and I make a good team; he supplies the food while I supply the water, all the while sharing laughs and memories, memories that I will later on th ink to be my last.After a couple hours, the scalding sun is taking on its inevitable journey toward the western horizon, being replaced with the cool breeze of the moon. My brother and I decide to take a refueling break on two enormous rocks after four hours of walking in the moonlight. â€Å"Here, take my Camelbak,† I say, â€Å"I’m going to the bathroom. † I take my flashlight as I walk off the trail for two minutes, keeping track of the monotonous rocks and brush I pass by. When I am finished, I start to head back towards our temporary resting place.Passing the familiar rocks, I crouch down to inspect with my LED flashlight a peculiar zigzag shape on the ground. Tracing my finger along the sharp edges of the shape, I realize it’s a narrow fracture in the ground, leading to a larger web of intricate fractures that rest just under my feet. Just then I hear a whisper of rushing water. Before I have time to react to the sudden realization that the ground c ould collapse from under my feet, I fall through the Earth. The fall seems endless though it may have taken no more than two seconds.I land with an echoing crash as my body penetrates through hot water. My body is violently thrown to the side with the sharp current and I am struggling to reach the surface. I reach out, my hands sliding on the slick floor as my body is carried by the flow of the hot spring. My wrist catches on a column jutting up on the floor of the cave. I wrap both arms around it to haul myself up. I cough to catch my breath, throat burning. The flashlight is still on. I wave the blue light around the darkness.The blue light winks as I shine it on my surroundings, the battery will die soon. I spot a tunnel not far off to the right. It must go somewhere, I thought. I can see a clear enough path towards it, so I reluctantly click off the safety of the blue light. I am instantly swallowed by darkness as I crawl my way towards the tunnel. Black, black, black is all I s ee. Without my vision, I have to be careful of where I move. The blue luminosity from the flashlight leaves me with the hesitant desire to not be wasteful.How many hours has it been? No food, no water. The sun should surely be up soon. Just as the thoughts have formed I see a faint light up ahead. The yellow glimmer of the sun’s rays gives me the hope I so crave. The light is still nowhere near enough to be able to see anything. The overwhelming pitch-blackness, the winking blue of the LED flashlight, and the steady growing yellow shine of the sun is all I see in my slow, crawling trek along the cave’s floor.With my cautious travel, thriftiness, and hopeful thoughts, the growing light is suddenly all around me. I am squinting as I collapse to the ground. Almost immediately I am pulled up from under my shoulders, faint cries of relief and concern swarm through my ears, but with the overbearing silence and lack of energy, I cannot make out the words. All I see is brightn ess, as the hope I so desperately clung to is turned into overwhelming relief and happiness as survival is achieved. That’s when I black out.More brightness, a different kind of light. Not the hopeful yellow of the sun shining through the rocks, but of a white fluorescent one. I am in a hospital. My family is suddenly all around me, throwing hugs and kisses and joy. A nurse comes in with a doctor, they give my family time to pull themselves together. I can hear the nurse speaking to the doctor, â€Å"How could she possibly have made it through those awful caves? † The doctor responds to her, flashing me a knowing smile, â€Å"Colors go a long way in finding our inner character†.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Leadership and management mean different things to different people Essay

Leadership and management mean different things to different people - Essay Example Another alternative meaning of leadership entails organizing a collection of people, so as to accomplish common goals. K-12 school leadership involves enlisting and directing the talents and efforts of education stakeholders like administrators, parents, pupils and teachers, towards realizing common education goals. Several universities globally offer graduate programs in education leadership. Leadership studies in various organizations have generated theories from traits intelligence, situational interaction, charisma, behavior, charisma, power and function (Carter, 2013). There are several leadership theories which are applied in the education sector. The early western history illustrates the traits or characteristics necessary for leaders. The theory illustrates that leadership was based on characteristics possessed by individuals. The leadership determined by the attributes or characteristics is referred to as trait theory of leadership. Alternative leadership theories developed during the 1950s. The theories illustrate the driving factors for leadership. The individuals also illustrate that individuals who are leaders in a given context or situation, may not be effective leaders in different situations. This led to shift in attention from traits responsible for leadership, to effective behaviors for leadership. The trait theory thereafter reemerged, due to new researches and measurement of leadership. Statistical advances in the 1980s used meta-analyses to quantitatively analyze leadership concepts. The researchers illustrated that individuals become leaders due to various tasks and situations. In the k-12 school contexts, leaders are developed when teachers are promoted to the administrator position. There is direct relationship between leadership development and associated traits such as; intelligence, extraversion, openness to experience and conscientiousness. K-12

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sar and UTI and Serodiagnosis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sar and UTI and Serodiagnosis - Assignment Example SARS is prevented by maintain a high personal hygiene such washing hands before handling any food item or eating. Hands should be washed after touching public equipment such as elevators and handrails by way of running water. An environment with good ventilation, proper pest infestation prevention, and healthy lifestyle can be used to prevent SARS. The disease is cured through administration of antibiotics for treating pneumonia. A patient gets antiviral medications and steroids to lessen lung swelling. Blood semen is administered to a patient recovering from the disease (, 2015). The outbreak of SARS in 2003 saw researchers and scientists in Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) work with WHOM. There were no deaths following the outbreak, but eight citizens had laboratory evidence of SARS-CoV infection after traveling to the parts of the world that where the disease had spread. CDC opened Emergency Operations Center to offer relentless coordination and response. Eight hundred medical staff and additional medical officers, epidemiologists and specialists serviced the center to conduct on-site investigations around the globe. Health alert notices were given to travelers in the event they were exposed to SARS (CDC, 2015). UTIs may be acquired in the hospital, community and exposure to neurological conditions (, 2015). Community-acquired UTIs account for 70% of overall infections and is linked to Escherichia coli from the bowels of the patients. Hospital acquired UTIs are attributed to predisposition to instrument such as surgical urinary catheter. The instruments host Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas, and Staphylococci bacteria and spread them to the patient. Hospital acquired UTIs manifest antibiotic resistance at times due to exposure to multiple organisms. In addition, neurological conditions such multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and spina bifida lead to UTIs. Primary

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Leadership question 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Leadership question 4 - Essay Example My code of leadership is focused on respecting other people according to their rank in the organization. One of my greatest weaknesses is inability to keep time; however, I am planning to make strict schedules that I will adhere to in order to keep time in attending duties and appointments. My code of behavior concentrates on handling people politely, pleasantly, and with consideration; this involves patiently listening to people’s problems and solving them in the best way possible. Other areas of focus of office etiquette include honesty, loyalty, cooperation, diplomacy, judgment, and accuracy. Knowledge, skills, and experience are the major determinants of worker productivity. I intend to ensure acquisition of relevant academic and professional qualifications and experience that will enable me to achieve exceptional performance. I also need the skills that can enable me perform my duties with the highest standards of accuracy. The organization cannot thrive well in the context where there is no discipline. I have designed programs that are aimed at training people to obey rules and other codes of behavior. I believe it is difficult for people to obey the rules of the organization without discipline. I plan to have an effective disciplinary system for correcting disobediences when they arise. I have the knowledge and skills concerning the theoretical aspects of leadership. I have studied several courses about leadership and diplomacy, which have enabled me to identify ways of leading people effectively. Although I believe in trait theories of leadership, contingency proponents usually make sense to me; this is because contingency theories focus on specific variables related to the environment in determining the most suitable style of leadership for that context (Kets and Korotov 23). I believe in change when it comes to handling people with individual differences. Democratic style of leadership is the best for

Cathedral by Raymond Carver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Cathedral by Raymond Carver - Essay Example Narrator seems uncomfortable and disturbed with Robert because he is blind. He feels that he is superior compared with the blind man. The narrator’s opinion and attitude towards blind man is largely contributed by his perception of blind men from movies. He feels that it is strange for Robert not to wear dark glasses yet his eyes looked weird. Narrator is so much disturbed by the fact that Robert cannot perfectly use his eyes to see instead of concentrating on the Robert’s understanding and ability to clearly think and feel things deeply (Carver 186-190). 2. The narrator is unable to describe cathedral perhaps because he is not religious and therefore cathedrals are meaningless to him. Inability to describe cathedral shows that the narrator lacks insight and self-awareness thus leading him to a journey to self-realization as he realizes the limitations of his outlook. Although the narrator can literally see things, he does not pay much attention to what he does with his eyes. He does not understand what being blind entails particularly due to the fact that Robert understands what cathedral looks like even without visual knowledge. 3. The blind man tells the writer to close his eyes while closing his eyes so that he can deeply understand and concentrate what he is doing by having a true sight with the real meaning lying within vision. Robert hopes to teach the narrator a way of looking inward to gain deeper understanding of himself and to see excellent reality. He realizes the depth in genuineness that disturbs the narrator by quietly listening to him while he struggles to describe cathedral. The narrator seems to enjoy the experience of closing his eyes while drawing cathedral. The newfound knowledge and understanding makes him believe that the experience was a very important aspect in his journey to self-realization. Narrator feels that his inner eyes that are based on his mind but not literal

Friday, July 26, 2019

Company Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Company Law - Essay Example This is because ethical policies and codes of practice may only be seen as guidelines and at any given time, a company or a member of the board may do what is more beneficial to them rather than to do what is most ethical. If policies were enough to manage corporate governance, there would be no need for governments and regulatory bodies to make the laws necessary to keep corporate and personal greed in check. For instance, environmental degradation is a very important topic for the world today and governments as well as non governmental organisations are looking at various ways and means by which they can help the environment (Green, 2005). However, corporations often have to be forced through regulations and laws to minimize their impact on the environment (Schulte, 2006). Had a code of practice which encourages social responsibility been enough, no board member of a company could have agreed to a policy of the company which damages the environment regardless of the profits that could be made. It is only when the profits of a company are at risk when it can be made to apply the rules of good corporate governance. For example, Apple Inc. was forced to change the packaging for its famous iPod since Greenpeace objected to the amount of waste material that came with the iPod. Fearing angry customers, Apple altered the packaging to make environmentally friendly (Planque, 2006) When Steve Jobs (the CEO of the company) launched a new version of the product he focused on the subject and said, â€Å"Weve got some new packaging for the new Nano as well. And its 52% less volume. This turns out to be an environmentally great thing. Because it dramatically reduces the amount of fossil fuels we have to spend to move these things around the planet (Planque, 2006, Pg. 1)†. Of course, Apple could have changed the packaging and made it environmentally friendly from the start but only a threat of lost sales moved it to do so.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Coaching Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Coaching - Term Paper Example In simple terms, coaching is training or development that involves an individual (coach) supporting the learner (trainee) in achieving professional objectives. There many types of coaching like business, sports, and philosophy to other. A coaching philosophy is what one values and how he will approach his coaching roles. Coaching philosophy covers ones purpose as a coach and how he will approach player development and winning. Ones coaching philosophy is composed of the primary objectives and at times beliefs and the principles that one adhere to achieve his goals (Program, 2010, p. 45). One’s coaching philosophy will guide him on how to behave as a coach and how to interact with his or her athlete, footballers among other examples. Coaching philosophy has to touch on who one is and who one wants to be in future. In many occasions, it is based on one’s experience, knowledge, opinions, and beliefs. All excellent philosophies irrespective of their length describe and explain the purpose of coaching, the views, and the principle that the coach will use to achieve his goal. (Association A. F., 2012, p. 130) Some of the elements of the coaching philosophies are discussed below. Motivation vs. Inspiration: Inspiration is the shortest- lived character or behavior. In many occasions when a challenge requires a force and application over time, inspiration may help to start us off, but motivation provides the perseverance required. (Barbour, 2011, p. 335) On the other hand, motivation is based on the intrinsic need of people, for example, how vital is the outcome for the performer. As far as the footballer has made up his mind as to the desirability of this result for him then his coach can help him to achieve his goal. When a footballers or athletes depend on the coach for his so called motivation, then the coach will be in trouble. It is because coaches need highly motivated players to work within the field. Plan, prepare

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Supply Chain of Barilla Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Supply Chain of Barilla - Case Study Example Supply chain management deals with the management of materials, information and financial flows in a network of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and customers.(Lee,1999).This management runs the entire gamut of operations that involve getting ready the supplies and reaching them to consumers. Various layers of distribution and the logistic network assist vitally in the task of reaching the supplies to the consumers. However, it is important for the entire supply chain system to know as to when, how much of which product would be required in which particular outlet and market. The more extensive the supply chain network the more critical is this requirement. Barilla has a wide network and thus their requirement for gathering information and processing it meaningfully becomes more important. Barilla spa was the world’s second largest pasta producer in 1990 It primarily produces 2 categories of products which are categorized as fresh and dry. Barilla accounted for about 35 percent of pasta sold in Italy and 22 percent of the pasta sold in Europe. Barilla mainly supplies the pasta to retail outlets such as small independent shops and supermarkets. In Barilla’s supply chain Barilla’s CDCs (centre distribution centre) and the production factory are located at places that exhibit maximum changes in demand patterns in the supply chain. The Barilla distribution layers include such outlets as GD(grand distributor, DO(organized distributor) and BD (i.e. Barilla-run Depots).These distribution layers receive orders from the supermarkets and shops, and, in turn, place consolidated orders to Barilla CDCs.Barilla CDC ,in turn, for wards the area consolidated figures to the Barilla factory. These distribution outlets serve the purpose of serving Barilla's overseas markets also. For instance Barilla products have a great demand in UK and most UK major supermarkets stock Barilla products through Barilla distribution outlets present in UK. In UK, retailers like Tesco and others generally depend on Barilla's third party distributors for its orders. In UK, Waissel's Ltd. is a major importer of Barilla's product. A long list of Barilla products are imported by Waissel's which includes Savouries, Biscuits & Cakes, Pasta Sauces and Pastas. The Barilla administration relies on computerized systems for its key functions including the supply management involving stock control. It has an excellent distribution service network throughout the UK. While it's administrative office is located in Harrow, its central warehouse is at Thamesmead, London for all of Waissel's worldwide incoming shipments as well as nationwide deliveries (Waissel's).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Is there racial profiling in nypd stop question and frisk Research Paper

Is there racial profiling in nypd stop question and frisk - Research Paper Example Although these immigrant become a cause of financial prosperity as they bring foreign exchange with them and turn the wheel of economic prosperity by forming revenue for the country. However, there are people who observe every stranger as intruder and suspect them of criminal activity due to their narrow thinking style. Prejudice towards a nation or society is commonly observed; since right after 9/11 incident. International media and the world not only got terrorized by the incident, but started accusing and treating all the people of Muslim community in the same manner. This conveniently spread the prejudiced feelings towards Muslim and now it is felt by all the other people of the world as well. All around the world several innocent Muslims are killed by people who count themselves as civilized and literate nations. On the other hand they subject, innocent immigrant who leave their homelands, only for the sake of education or financial prosperity; as subjects to criminal or terrorist activity. The wind of racial prejudice did not start only after 9/11 but it has a past which date backs 500-1000 years of western prejudice towards non western. Recently NYPD is observing Muslim students of many universities far more closely than ever. They are not only talking to their professors and acquaintance but also following them on trips outside the premises of colleges and universities. An undercover agent was sent on a rafting trip with a group of Muslim students to assess them. Police commissioner Raymond Kelly is facilitating this investigation on Muslim students only on the basis of their religious beliefs and practices. However, there is no such evidence found against these students, to be involved in terrorist activities so far. Several students are in a perplexed state after becoming a surveillance list member. These students felt discomfort and mistrust

Monday, July 22, 2019

Plato’s and Cicero’s life and Political Ideas Essay Example for Free

Plato’s and Cicero’s life and Political Ideas Essay Between 429-347 BCE, were the period of Plato and his ocean of philosophical dispositions and carried the most deep-seated political, social and intellectual thoughts. His questions raised the consciousness of intellectuals, students and general people making them think every aspect of their life from new and fresh perspective. As said by Alfred North Whitehead, â€Å"All Western philosophy consists of footnotes to Plato. † (Garvey 7) Plato was a student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle, and naturally in his works there is a reflection of Socrates thoughts and ideologies. But while remembering, Plato we should not forget Cicero, 106-43 B. C. who was himself part of many of the political developments of his time. He was not only a philosopher but also an orator, lawyer and politician. He laid more importance to politics over philosophy. His philosophical works came about only in the period when he was forced to refrain himself from politics. Though he was neither considered as exceptional thinker nor we can see any originality in his works yet his thoughts on various aspects of philosophy exerted tremendous influence on many thinkers after many years to come. His popularity rose in 19th century. There is no comparison between Plato and Cicero as they were both of different ages and had their own distinct attributes, yet if we give deep thoughts into their philosophical works what we get is what we call slight deviations in their thoughts on Politics. Plato was born in Athens during 428-7 B. C. E but there is no certainty about this date because according to Diogenes Laertius, Plato was born in the same year when Pericles died. He was also considered to be six years younger than Socrates was and his death came when he passed the youthful years of his life-at the age of 84. If according to Apollodorus’ version, the death date of Plato is correct then his birth date should lie between 430 or 431 but Diogenes put his birth in 429. Diogenes further said that if Plato was the twenty years old at the time of Socrates murder in 399 then his year of birth should be 427. These years between 429-347 B. C. E is considered to be very appropriate, whereas, Cicero was born on 3rd January 106 BC in Arpinum, as Arpino today. It is a hill town situated 100 kilometres towards south of Rome. This small Italian got Roman citizenhsip in 188 B.  C. and began to speak Latin rather than their language Volscian before they were enfranchised by Romans. The assimilation of nearby Italian communities into Rome laid Cicero’s future as a Roman statesman, orator and writer. Though he had a great mastery over Latin rhetoric and composition but Cicero would never from him heart considered himself as a â€Å"Roman† and he was aware of this fact through out his life. During this period of Roman history, it was considered as cultured to able to speak both the Greek and Latin languages. Like many of his contemporaries, Cicero also got education in Greek rhetoricians, and their most influential teachers of their time was also Greek. His knowledge of Greek language enabled him to translate many of its theological concepts into Latin brining maximum number of common people into the world of Greek philosophical thoughts. He was so inclined towards the study of Greek culture and language that he would be called by the other boys as â€Å"Little Greek boy†, yet it is his obsession with the Greek language that made him tied to the traditional Roman elite. The family of Cicero belonged to the local class of nobles known as domi nobles, but without any tie with the Roman senatorial class. Cicero was only connected to Gaius Marius, the most popular person born in Arpinium. In 80 B. C. , he led the most popular faction during civil war against optimates of Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Cicero’s father was a knight who would compensate his personal life by reading books. His mother was Helvia who was a very good housewife. (Clayton Online edition) Plato’s was also fortunate to be born in a noble family of Athens. He was the son of Aristone and his mother’s name was Perictone. He got his nickname from the wrestler’s broad shouldered physique. He was expected to follow the family’s tradition of politicians but when he witnessed that Athens entered into conflict with Sparta during Peloponnesian war, he aliented himself from politics and at the age of twenty, joined the School of Socrates. Socrates main ambition was to seek the truth and further explore on the issues like virtue and pity. He also critcised religious and political institutions but allegations began to be levid against him from all corners as he was charged for corrupting the mind of youths. Plato captured the nerves of the society at large and pened down his earnest views followed by Apology and Crito. When Socrates died, Plato opened his academy in a grove which was considered to be sacred to the demigod Academus, near Athens. The importance of Academy grew when Aristotle became its student. Astronomy, Mathematics, and Philosophy were the subjects taught in the Academy. Few years of his life, Plato spent in travelling gaining more knowledge in the other parts of Mediterranean whereas rest part of his life was spent in Athens until he died in 347 B. C.  Ralph Waldo Emerson, a great American essayist, philosopher, a poet and a leader of Transcendentalist movement of the nineteenth century evoked, Plato is philosophy, and philosophy, Plato, at once the glory and the shame of mankind, since neither Saxon nor Roman have availed to add any idea to his categories. †Ã¢â‚¬â€(Emerson, Spiller, Ferguson Slater Carr 23) Plato understood politics from the angle of justice and democracy. His aim was to give the rulers the main principle of what constituted real politics. For Plato, politics was an application of what metaphysics and ethics considered as true. His ideal world was something which was true, good and therefore virtuous. He gave to the world the best mouth piece of the study of human behavior and his relation with society. His â€Å"Republic† was his ideological stand point whereby he posed number of questions and pondered their answers in the light of various assumptions and dynamics of society. His main question comes from the light of what is good and bad in their world-Why should we be good and why in this cruel world, wicked are more happy and successful? To find out the answer to this question, Plato had to invite the whole community-the Polis. In other words , if you can find out the right direction to form polis which is healthy then the importance to individual happiness is ruled out. For Plato, justice is a base which could only be frutifully gained by bringing about balance in wisdom, courage and temperance. For Plato, even an ideal state can be self desructive. Plato posited the view that even ideal state where all have equal rights could also be destructive and it could be happen in turn by the very basic concept on which democracy stands. Though Republic, the Statesman, the Laws are three main political dialogues of Plato, and they developed their ideologies on the basis of what today is termed as conceptual analysis-in other words clarification of the basic principles on which politics stands and its importance. For Plato, this conceptual analysis was a preliminary stage for further critical evaluation of thought processes. According to Plato, making right decisions on the administration and making right choice between peace and war are the two most crucial initial steps of good politics. Such decisions could not be left into the hands of public only but by good orator. Cicero’s works included fifty speeches, around thousand letters to friends and associates, among them the several of his works included rhetorical theories and twelve out of them are on philosophical topics. These display great intellectual thoughts that deepen Cicero’s conviction that both the philosophy and rhetoric are independent to each other and are very important for human life and society. His works on philosophy stand witness to the rhetorical techniques and style of Roman oratory. The political philosophy of Plato was largely based on speculations about ideal state. Though he did conceptualize his points by imploring upon the city-states of Greece and events in current political scenario, yet his discussions evolved largely around what he and other intellectuals thought to be ideal states. The essence of his ideological state lied in the needs of the man on the individual level and on the whole and these needs of the man joined them together to work for the common goal. The members that make the society could be divided into different classes according to their particular work criteria. As according to Plato, in man, there are two different souls in the same way in the society also, there are three different classes: philosophers, warriors, and producers; one of which belongs to the rational souls and the rest two belong to the irrational souls and each class has its own particular role to fulfill. For e. g. philosophers run the state, warriors defend it and producers cultivate their skills to produce the materialistic goods needed by the state. On the other hand, much of the Cicero’s political thoughts followed Aristotle concept of ideal state. For Cicero, there were three main forms of government; monarchy, aristocracy, and the constitutional state, but he also believed that there is every scope of perversion in each form of government, which emerges from those who do not have regard for the public good. Not one form of government is perfectly good. Instead Cicero prescribed what is known as composite form of government with the principles of monarchy, aristocracy and democracy. This form of government today is known as Common Wealth form of Government and Cicero termed as the Res Publica, literally known as â€Å"The People’s thing. His composite republic is based on the monarchical principle, also known as consuls; the aristocratic is likened to the Senate of Rome, which performs both the legislative and executive functions. The democratic principles are tribunes referred to as committees (comitia) in ancient Rome. Rather than revolutionary or politically visionary, Cicero was being considered more as a â€Å"political conservative† who was eager to preserve the Roman Republic against the designs of Julius Caesar, Mark Anthony, and Octavian whose aim was to make Rome into their own personal empire. But Cicero did not succeed in preventing Roman Republic from collapse and was murdered by the followers of Mark Anthony. (Marcus Cicero, Section 12). Cicero’s law was based on these two: â€Å"That true law was reason, That good is always good, that bad is always bad and in traditional Roman values. † (Simmons Online) He criticized all other form of constitutions for breaching the rights and interests of people and conveyed that political system should provide legal rights to every one equally but give electoral, legislative and judicial rights in accordance to their merit and wealth. Cicero’s first book On the Orator laid importance of Oratory in the politics of Rome. Oratory had been part of the Roman politics, and Cicero mainly superimposed its value. His discussions merely revolved around education basically history and poetry with composition of logic, philosophical theory and rhetorical techniques. As said by Stephen Whites’s, â€Å"Orator, clearly reflects Cicero’s own proficiencies, unites thorough knowledge of history and law with complete command of in a Romanized version of Platos philosopher-rulers†. (White online edition). Both Plato and Cicero wanted education to be based on philosophy to produce best statesman. While Plato’s more emphasis was on training on mathematical ground and transcendental metaphysics, Cicero wanted many practical programs of instructions designed to cultivate articulacy and civic debate. (White Online edition). His On the Republic is his much thought provoking dialects on leadership and politics. It was almost lost but its first third was recovered in 1820. On the Republic is a challenge of Plato’s Greek political theory based on utopian thoughts. He defined republic as â€Å"a peopl’e affair, â€Å"(res populi) and people as a community who have joined in to one consensus on their mutual interest. His other part constitutes his explanation on types of constitutions in classical Greek style and developed the data on the development of Roman institutions; whereas some of the sections which are either lost or preserved in very poor state have in short explanation of Hellenistic debates on the nature and rewards of justice and the discussions on education system of Rome. Yet another of his book On Laws is a sequel to a legal system. Contradicting Plato’s laws, he contended that Rome already had embodied itself much the ideals of law. On Laws truly appeared to be very important in the sense that it contains full account of natural law. Based entirely on Stoic ideas, Cicero contended that the whole concept of law is already a part of nature with an appropriate order, which could be codified in legislation for final tribunal in a court of law. After these writings, civil war erupted and he did not go further into this, but last of his books summed up his thinking on political grounds by bringing out the importance of morality in public life. In his On Duties which was his epistle to his son, he gave the routes to bestow on the proper code of conduct for Roman nobility emphasizing justice, benefaction and public service. His entire focus was on the men of high status and their way of dealing with the problems relating to personal ambitions and social obligations. Cicero too always stood on his profound trust on the noblest trait of human beings, which is their humanity and inculcate reasoning power to improve the lives of human beings. His thoughts on humanism are best skewed in his â€Å"On the Ends of Good and Evil†. The dialogue herein reflects on the question of what and where is the end of all human actions and the way you attain the happiness. Cicero agreed with Aristotle and saw that human beings are political or social animals. â€Å"But nature has given to mankind a compulsion to do good, and a desire to defend the well being of the community . (Cicero Rudd R I. 1). † But the most influential model book was The Republic by Plato. Cicero’s homage to the Republic was found in its expression in the section which was lost but also found its place in his concluding marks of the cosmos and the afterlife (The Dream of Scipio), which reflects the myth of err by the end of the Plato’s end book. Plato has been directly quoted and or reflected several times. Cicero’s Scipio states that, â€Å"Rather than invent a city for themselves as Plato did, he prefers to examine a real historical stance (The Roman Constitution) which comes closet to the ideal†. (Cicero, Rudd, Powell xvi) But it was also mistake to espouse that, because Cicero had departed from Plato in certain way, his Republic is in very deep sense anti-platonic. It is further said that â€Å"Cicerio’s Scipio was enough of a Platonist to regard philosophy and astronomy as wise man’s true occupation, and to declare that one should take political offices only our of sense of duty or necessity, as Plato’s Guardian do. (I-26-29)( Cicero, Rudd, Powell 17) There are many similarities between the Plato’s Republic and Cicero, de ra republic. Each formulated on the account of relationship between citizen and state. Both of them discussed on justice, both of them bestowed theory of constitution. Both of them also had mentioned discussion on education and a vision of an after life. Sharpely too suggested that â€Å"Cicero Republic in the sense, Plato’s turned inside out. † (Cicero Zetzel 14) In the Republic by Plato, Socrates and his friends are trying to implore and analyze on what should be an ideal city but do not want to analyze the state in which he was living. Plato and Cicero were only mouthpieces in an arena of political thoughts in their respective periods whereas in Ciceros De re publica, all the comments whether directly or indirectly emphasized on the organization of the state they ought to be living, which was Roman Republic in the final stages.

Improving Attendance in Statutory Education Essay Example for Free

Improving Attendance in Statutory Education Essay Under the Education Act 1996, the Council has a statutory duty to ensure children and young people receive fulltime, efficient education, which is suitable to the age, and ability and any special needs they may have. This is usually through attendance at school. The Education Welfare Service (EWS) is one agency which takes the lead role for the Council in supporting school attendance. It will do this through working with children and families, supporting schools and linking with other agencies including the legal system. The EWS will look at a whole range of ideas for why the children aren’t attending school and will look at solutions for this whether it be legal action or just working closely with all involved for example parents, teachers and the school. On the whole this is an extremely important agency which aims to get children into education and helps work out why they are not in education, however there are negative aspects to the agency as they may have to work closely with social services if the parents aren’t fulfilling there role and legal action may be taken again the parents aren’t fulfilling the responsibility although this is a negative aspect of the agency it is all in place for the overall well being of the child. Police can work with local schools and EWC, by undertaking local patrols to detect truancy and going to local areas where children may hide out. By having the police involved children and parents will be able to understand the severity of truancy and poor school attendance which is a positive outcome. This can then lead on to the Youth Offending Team (YOT) whose staff identifies school attendance issues and work actively to resolve them. The Council will work with agencies such as housing companies, Police, Connexions, YOT and voluntary organisations to develop protocols to identify children without school places. Overall these agencies are all there to help improve attendance in schools and all have the same aims, by working together with the school, agencies and organisiations the schools will be able to have the correct support in place for the children in and out of schools, parents and the teachers. The agencies are able to work out reasons for poor attendance and make sure issues are resolved. These organizations are here for a positive reason and to help children get the best education possible and cutting down on reasons for poor attendance. Explain the role of key individuals in improving whole school attendance. Educational Welfare officers- Once a child is registered at a school, it is the parents legal duty to make sure that the child attends school regularly. The role of Education Welfare Officers is to work closely with schools, children and their parents, and with agencies to make sure this happens. The educational welfare officers will work closely with these people to find out why children arent attending regularly and figure out soloutions to ensure this changes. If the parents fail to cooperate and the child does not return to regular attendance at school, the Education Welfare Service may issue a Fixed Penalty Notice or take legal action. Educational welfare officers can refer cases to other agencies such as social services, educational psychologists and health professionals. Ultimately their main responsibilities is to provide support to the children, the families and the school in all areas whether it to be advice on legal responsibilities, or building relationships between the school and the parents and making sure school attendance is at a maximum, if school attendance is not consistant then the educational welfare officers will look into reasons and solutions for this. Teaching Support Workers- Support teachers are in classrooms to support teachers in what they are trying to achieve, they are also there to help individuals who are in need of support when learning, Support teachers are able to give the individuals in need of help more time and focus to help them through areas of difficulties. Having Teaching supports workers available will therefore mean children will feel supported in weak areas and therefore more progress will be made by children which will also boost confidence. Children who are falling behind or children who do not understand specific areas of what they are being taught can become embarassed and withdrawn whilst lacking confidence this could lead to poor behaviour meaning suspension,exclusion,detention or missing school to avoid feeling embarrassed around peers. Having teaching support workers available will mean weak areas can be taregeted and help provided much quicker than just having one teacher in a classroom. Teaching support workers will be able to have the relevant training and guidance to help identify children who are struggling. These are people who are their to support children with any behaviour or learning needs. Headteachers- Most of the duties of a headteacher is managerial and to make sure the school is running properly whilst also making sure everything necessary is provided for staff and pupils. Head teachers will need to make sure specific training is given to identify children who are struggling, making sure there are policies and procedures in place and followed by staff to prevent bullying and equal opportunities. By making sure the children have the mose valuable expreience possible at school and working with children, parents and other agenicies to make sure everything is in place to keep attendace high, if children are struggling the support teacher are in place, if bullying is happening then this needs to be resolved quickly before the child becomes withdrawnand lacks confidence leading to poor attendance. The head teacher will be able to use educational welfare officers and other agencies to help find ways of improving the school and making sure all areas of a childrens welfare are covered and the child is offered the support needed to enjoy school and attend school attaining the best qualifications possible. Special Educational Coordinators- The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), in collaboration with the head teacher and governing body, plays a key role in determining the strategic development of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) policy and provision in the school to raise the achievement of children with special educational needs. The SENCO takes day-to-day responsibility for the operation of the policy and co-ordination of the provision made for individual children with special educational needs, working closely with staff, parents and carers and other agencies. By having the special education needs co-ordinator this will mean that full support will be given to children in school meaning the chilldren can work to the maximum and achieve the most out of school with the full support and help from the teachers. This will also mean that children wont be embarrassed because they cannot keep up or understand the work and should hopefully stop the children turning to negative behaviour like missing school. This will enable the school to give the children the best experience possible with the best possible outcomes and increased attendance therefore increasing grades attained by children. Explain strategies that can be used to improve the attendance of individual children and young people and whole school attendance Have an attendance policy in place make sure the children are fully aware of the steps that will be taken in cases of non attendance. Whilst making sure that parents follow the procedure for days that children are of sick. Keep parents involved and build relationships with the parents using head teachers and teachers so that they are aware of any problems that maybe underlying at school at the present time which my result in non-attendance. It is also vital to make parents aware of any positive achievements that their son or daughter has achieved. Support available, makes sure that any children struggling in specific educational areas are identified as quickly as possible so that all relevant support and help can be put in place to help the child in the specified area. The school can work in partnership with the educational welfare officer and the local authority to help target specific areas of need. Use rewards and incentives to encourage attendance and punctuality such as certificates for high attendance and increased incentive for the higher attendance and punctuality as the year progresses. Once a child has been absent from school make sure they reintegrate into the school positively. Making sure teachers check they are ok, provide any missed work and provide a support group making sure this is available to the children if they need to talk-for example counselors. Use attendance checks to keep on top of and monitor all attendance for children this will help to discover any patterns in non attendance and help the school find a solution to this quicker therefore benefiting the children. Raising the profile of attendance so if a child fails to attend sending a letter out to parents straight away to make sure they are aware of this or asking for a reason why there was no attendance if the attendance falls below a certain level. Schools can use newsletters and parents evenings to bring this to parents and children’s attention.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Becoming An Efficient Mental Health Counselor

Becoming An Efficient Mental Health Counselor Mental health is a wide subject with many professionals incorporated. Primarily, a mental health professional is charged with the task of offering services which ultimately improve a persons mental health or treat any kind of mental illness. Different professionals exist in the mental health sector: psychiatrists, clinical social workers, clinical psychologists and mental health counselors. Although such practitioners cover the same illnesses, conditions and disorders dealt with by these professionals, depend on the perceived scope of their skills. Some mental health professionals help in the enhancement of relationships while others are charged with the responsibility of treating specific mental illnesses. Different laws guiding the mental health profession, education and training accorded to the professional apportion the scope which a mental health professional is to undertake. This document examines the plans which I will incorporate to become an efficient mental health counselor. Modalities to materialize the ethical issues which form the core basis on code of ethics under ACA will also be addressed. Insights into social change and its effectiveness in the mental health industry will be tackled as well. A comparison between a practicing mental health practitioner and my views will be tabled so will class discussions on professional identity. Literature review Duties of a Mental Health counselor Mental health counseling is a psycho-educational discipline which came into being in the 1970s. Mental Health counselors (MHCs) are charged with the task of providing mental health counseling especially to the patients through incorporating dynamic and holistic approaches which are indeed strength based. The MHCs have excellent educational qualification and knowhow, having achieved this through varied experience in counseling. While other professionals in the mental health docket are excellent in treating mental health illness, the MHCs have been grounded in counseling with emphasis in such areas as developmental theory. More often than not the MHC collects data vital in identifying the mental, behavioral as well as emotional disorders and problems affecting a particular client thereby coming up with modalities to treat the patient (Palmo, 1999). Thus the MHC does not only treat a patients dysfunction on matters regarding self awareness, general body wellbeing as well as personal gro wth but also is concerned with an individuals total environment which plays a major role in making him or her completely healthy. MHCs can thus be described as a cadre of professionals tasked to offer counseling services in mental health centers, learning institutions as well as in hospitals and clinics. The success and significance of this profession cannot be underemphasized. Through the utilization of psycho-educational approach during the counseling process, prevention of mental illness is emphasized and achieved by the MHCs. Instead of medical model a holistic approach based on developmental theory is utilized. Many individual, families as well as groups have largely benefitted from MHCs through treatment of mental disorders as well as emotional imbalances like depression, suicidal impulses, substance addiction, grief as well as self esteem issues confronting them (Crespi Stier, 1997). Developing Professional identity as a MHC When laying the basis in identifying the MHC, several factors come into play since particular professional as well as scientific aspects from the educational, psychological as well as counseling disciplines are used by the mental health counselors. Through the usage of these interdisciplinary attributes, a holistic procedure of promoting health lifestyle and in particular preserving as well as restoring mental health in an individual is achieved. As I establish my professional identity, I intend to use systemic and personal perspectives to bring to attention the contextual attributes and influences present in a persons life which ultimately contribute to mental health illnesses (Palmo, 1999). In undertaking my tasks, I will be more concerned on facilitating total mental-wellness on my clients regardless of the fact that they are suffering from developmental struggles of clinical pathology. Concentrating on the strengths achieved from undertaking several synthesized domains of a clien t will make this move easy to implement. Thus, during my practice as a MHC my focus will not be to cure mental illness in a client, rather I will be seeking to improve the general mental health of individuals through preventing the repeat of such illnesses. Through collaboration with other mental health professionals and working in community settings, I will no doubt improve my effectiveness especially when working with clients who have had a stint in interdisciplinary teams. In order to remain vital and viable in this highly competitive industry, I intend to be responsive to the market needs by being flexible in service provision amid changing mental health industry. When confronted with a psychopathology case, I intend to use the guiding philosophy of this profession which aims at restoring the development of mental health in an individual instead of searching for ways to cure the mental illness. Assisting clients to adequately adapt to the challenges associated with mental illness will also come in handy in enabling me f orge my personal identity in this profession (Seiler Messina, 2002). Ethical principles In the mental health counseling profession five major ethical principles have been advanced to act as major ethical guidelines. As such the ethical guidelines do not primarily address all the issues which confront a MHC in the course of undertaking various tasks. Its through extensive evaluation of the ethical guidelines that assists professionals when confronted with an issue which requires clarification. In this counseling profession, five principles have been advanced: autonomy, beneficence, fidelity, non-malfeasance and justice. Consistent understanding of these ethical principles helps in making it possible for an individual to better function in this profession. Below is a detailed account of how I intend to implement these ethical principles during my practice as a MHC. Autonomy This principle is largely concerned with the moral duty of a counselor to encourage a client practice their independence in regards to decision making procedures. It is the responsibility of a counselor to allow a client be autonomous and act in accordance to their values (Beck, 1999). I will thus make my clients understand the implications of the decisions they are about to make and how such decisions will be perceived in the society they are living in. I will also make sure that the clients understand the possible impact which their chosen activity will cause to other members in the society. In case a client wishes to source support from such networks as religious or spiritual leaders or from family and friends, then I will agree to it as enlisting the help and involvement of other people is vital in ensuring mental health in an individual. A client has the freedom to determine when to quit a counseling session thus I should not coerce them to remain when indeed they want to leave. I will also ensure that I provide adequate information on the progress of the counseling process. I will also pay particular keen interest to underage children and people whose mental handicap is high. This is vital in preventing them make decisions likely to cause harm to themselves or other people. Nonmaleficence Primarily, this ethical principle may be regarded as the most critical in the mental health counseling field. It entails engaging in activities which will not cause any harm to the client. In my practice as a MHC, I will be careful not to engage in any activity likely to cause intended or not anticipated harm to my clients (Crespi Stier, 1997). Sexual, emotional as well as financial exploitation are some of activities which would largely cause harm to my clients. Purporting to be qualified in some areas which I am not, possess danger to my clients. This is especially so when a counselor claims to be qualified professionally in areas he is not. Truthful representation of my qualifications vital in handling mental health challenges is important. The competence of a counselor is determined by educational competence. I will also not undertake to provide services to the clients when intoxicated, sick or when the personal circumstances surrounding myself may elicit a wrong prescription. S ince it is my ethical responsibility to mitigate any danger posed to a client, holding an insurance policy would be handy in assisting in such eventualities which would require restitution due to the harm and damage caused on any client. Abandonment of clients before completion of a counseling session is likely to cause massive harm to a client. As such I will terminate my session as provided for under AMHCA ethical considerations. Thus proper arrangements need be put in place incase interruptions are inevitable like during vacations or illnesses. It is good to refer the client to another MHC who will continue with the therapy. Incase a MHC terminates hisher practice, the stipulated procedure to transfer the clients file and information need be followed. This helps in alleviating any form of danger which would be caused to a client when immediate withdrawal of the counseling services is instituted. Engaging or condoning sexual harassment is not allowed for MHCs because of the harm caused to the clients. Thus instances of sexual solicitation, unethical physical advances or verbal conduct likely to harm my clients will not be undertaken at all. Such advances are not only offensive but they also create a hostile environ ment where efficient counseling and therapy session cannot be undertaken. Other peoples actions can cause considerable damage to my clients. Thus it is my duty to question such activities likely to cause considerable damage to an individual under my care. Beneficence This principle in mental health counseling refers to the counselors responsibility to positively influence the welfare of a client. Thus, the MHCs are required to proactively do good to people thereby preventing occurrence of any form of harm to a client (Seiler Messina, 2002). In upholding this principle in my practice, I will largely be involved in acts of mercy, charity as well as kindness. With love and genuine altruism my diagnosis and counseling will be geared towards complete healing of the clients. Acting for the benefit of others will guide me in putting in place activities which will ultimately contribute to the general wellbeing of the clients. By preventing as well as removing possible harmful setups, I will always help my clients discover and further the interests which they consider important as well as legitimate. This principle will come in handy especially when dealing with clients struggling with suicidal thoughts. My role as a MHC will be to intervene by providing the necessary therapy which will ultimately save the life of the client. Placing the client in a protective environment where the welfare of the client will not be compromised will be vital in saving the life of such clients. Justice This principle involves treating similar people with equal magnitude. A form of fairness must therefore exist when dealing with the patients (Beck, 1999). Clients presenting similar mental conditions need be accorded the same treatment. In my practice, I will ensure that I do not exhibit any form of biasness. The amount of money charged for the counseling sessions will be the same thus I will not exploit my clients on such basis as when they seem like they are from a better social group. I will also tackle the needs of each client as everyone has a right to receiving counseling sessions regardless of their social orientation. Fidelity This principle largely involves a client possessing notions of loyalty and faithfulness to the MHCs. It is important that a client is confident about the competence of the counselor as such a move ultimately makes a lasting relationship to be created (Messina, 1999). In effecting this principle, I will ensure that I do not fail to fulfill the laid down obligations which I have with my clients. In addition, engaging in activities likely to threaten the therapeutic relationship existing between me and my clients will not be undertaken. Being cultural sensitive when solving the clients problem will greatly assist in building lasting relationships with the clients. When diagnosing mental disorders present in a client, use of appropriate diagnosis methods which are efficient is no doubt important. Under this will employ DSM-IV for diagnostic purposes. Before undertaking any assessment, I will ensure that I receive consent from the clients and explain to them the nature and purpose of the test undertaken. Organizations to join Several organizations which cater for the welfare of MHCs have been formed. The American MHCs have formed an association (i.e. AMHCA) where critical impact is accorded to the American citizens through giving insights on the mental health counselors profession. The association assists its members to develop their career owing to the many informative seminars and workshops organized by the association. This ultimately translates into improved service delivery to the clients thereby raising the overall standards of the profession. This association is also working to improve the recognition accorded to the MHCs by perhaps improving the perception of the members of public regarding the practice. By being a member of this association, my success in this field will ultimately be enhanced as vital tools and programs like continuing education and mentor programs are available in this association. Through availing practical resources to the members, the association expands learning and promote s the overall practice of the professionals under this field (Beck, 1999). American Counseling association (ACA) is another body I intend to join. This association has put in place several aspects which are dedicated to promoting the general growth and development of the counseling profession. This ultimately translates into better service delivery to the clients who seek counseling services. This association which was formed in fiscal 1952 represents counselors in all practice settings. I will develop my skills and build on my knowledge base due to the leadership training, advocacy services availed to the members. I may also get a chance to continue with my education. Since this association largely represents the interests of counselors and according to the federal agencies this profession is no doubt developing. National board for the certified counselors (i.e. NBCC) is a counselors accreditation body which I intend to join as well. The association aims at maintaining a certification program geared towards identifying the counselors who have studied and obtained some form of certification. Since a register of the qualified counselors is maintained, this helps in doing-away with quacks from the practice. It is beneficial to members since counselors who meet the professions standards are recognized. Through this membership, I will obtain client referrals thereby boosting my experience and number of clients whom I handle. Incorporating social change in counseling Social change is generally exhibited due to shifts in social structure and relations which were evident in the society. Behavior modification especially for individuals with mental health incorporates such aspects as physical and mental coercion, psychotherapy as well as brain washing in order to make the patient recover and gain more control over their life. When MHCs use behavior modification techniques when counseling individuals with mental health conditions and those with disabling mental conditions considerable aspects of improvement are witnessed. Systematic desensitization which is the mostly used technique in incorporating social change assists the MHCs to offer therapy to individuals with disturbances which have identifiable sources. For instance when a client has extreme fear for the closed places this method works perfectly well. According to a professional MHC that I had a chance to interview, he suggested that Biofeedback is the most effective method of using when treat ing disturbed minds. Information regarding a problem affecting a person is given to the therapist who then monitors it through the use of a mechanical device. Desirable rewards may then be provided to the client so as to influence positive behavior (Seiler Messina, 2002). By constantly monitoring the information given, a therapist is able to develop a treatment technique which will work best for a particular client. It is also easy to use especially in different settings. The MHCs first decide on what an individual can do in order to remodel the problem. A treatment program is then devised so as to change the mental condition. Proper record keeping is vital in order to monitor the progress of the client and in case the chosen methodology proves ineffective the MHC is advised to discontinue its usage. Discussions on professional identity Having held several discussions with my fellow classmates of issues regarding professional identity of MHCs important information was realized. Since professional identity incorporates the various ways in which and individual seeks to incorporate the statuses and roles he is undertaking and experience acquired when undertaking mental health counseling ,a coherent image of the individual is realized. Since professional identity is shaped by the principles that we choose to know and the manner in which we choose to know them, then every MHC should choose the kind of identity he will uphold. It is the identity chosen which determines the kind of people chosen to interact with. Through participation in the activities and affairs of the mental health counselors profession, a practitioner is able to build on their professional identity since mutual engagement as well as shared repertoire is achieved (Messina, 1999). Affiliation to professional organizations helps to build on vital connecte dness based shared histories as well as experiences of the MHCs which ultimately shape the professional identity of individuals in this field. People develop their professional identity as a result of the identities they uphold with the people in a given profession. Since a significant need to distinguish between the MHCs from other counseling professionals like social workers, psychiatrist as well as nurse practitioners joining the MHCs associations will greatly assist in forging the professional identity of these professionals. Conclusion MHCs have masters level qualifications in counseling and the profession is based on theory and practical orientation of behavioral sciences. In order to fully qualify to be a qualified MHC then at least 60 credit hours must be dedicated to achieving specific coursework as well as supervised experience. Mental health counseling is no doubt amongst the youngest human service profession which was greatly popularized in the 1970s by the professions who were seeking for visibility and recognition in this discipline. The distinguishing aspect of this profession lies in the use of multifaceted aspects of an individual in order to restore or better still strengthen the mental health of an individual. Thus the MHC contributes significantly in enhancing the vitality and vigor of a persons mental health thereby completely sustaining the general wellbeing and soundness of a person. Unlike a major misconception that mental health counseling enables a person suffering from a mental illness to bett er cope with their situation, MHCs employ holistic attributes geared towards preventing a person from being incapacitated by a mental condition (Crespi Stier, 1997).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Stem Cells Essay -- essays research papers

Abstract 1. The object of this Paper is to provide an independent assessment of the Donaldson Committee's Recommendations in light of the most recent advances in stem cell research. 2. Stem cells should be defined by their ability to renew themselves and diversify into other cell types. 3. There are several readily accessible sources of stem cells. Strict criteria apply to the use of these sources in medical research. 4. Stem cells have wide potential application in medicine. "Adult" stem cells have already been used in the world's first recorded case of successful gene therapy "surgery". 5. The views expressed by the Donaldson Committee's on the limitations of "adult" stem cells are now defunct. 6. Unlike "embryonic" stem cells, "adult" stem cells have already been used extensively in the successful treatment of a range of degenerative diseases and conditions and have outstanding development potential. 7. The objections to the use of "adult" stem cells advanced by the National Institutes of Health in the U.S. have been overcome, according to the most up-to-date research. 8. "Adult" stem cells have now surpassed all other sources of stem cells in terms of widespread clinical application, safety, availability and potential. Introduction Following the publication of stem cell research: Medical Progress with Responsibility, the long-awaited Report of the Chief Medical Officer's Expert Advisory Group on Therapeutic Cloning (August 2000), a fierce debate has ensued over the Government's decision to "accept the Report's recommendations in full.† Focusing on the first Recommendation made by the Advisory Group (otherwise known as the Donaldson Committee) that: "Research using human embryos (whether created by in vitro fertilization or cell nuclear replacement) to increase understanding about human disease and disorders and their cell based treatments should be permitted, subject to the controls in the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 1990." serious ethical objections have been raised to the proposal to deliberately create and clone human embryos for the purpose o... ...y evidence exists to prove that adult stem cells now meet all of the criteria set down by both the Donaldson Committee and the NIH in the U.S. Work Sited 1. Government Response to the Recommendations Made in the Chief Medical Officer's Expert Group Report: "stem cell research: Medical Progress with Responsibility", Department of Health, Crown Copyright, August 2000. 2. Stem cell research: Medical Progress with Responsibility, Department of Health, Crown Copyright, August 2000. 3. Stem Cell Research: Medical Progress with Responsibility, Department of Health, Crown Copyright, August 2000. 4. Congressional Testimony of David A. Prentice, Ph.D., htm, February 7, 2000. 5. "Gene Therapy of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)-X1 Disease", Science 288, 669-672, April 28 2000. 6. N.B. It is these claims that form the backbone of the case in support of the cloning of human embryos for their stem cells. 7 stem cell research: Medical Progress with Responsibility, Department of Health, Crown Copyright, August 2000. 8.stem cell research: Medical Progress with Responsibility, Department of Health, Crown Copyright, August 2000.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Samuel Beckett’s Waiting For Godot and The Theater of The Absurd Essay

With the appearance of Waiting for Godot at the Thà ©Ãƒ ¢tre de Babylone in Paris in 1953, the literary world was shaken by the arrival of a drama so different yet so thrilling that it gave rise to the "Theater of the Absurd". His contribution to this particular type of theater movement allows us to refer to him as the father of the genre. While other dramatists, such as Tom Stoppard, have also contributed to this genre, Beckett remains its single, most lofty figure. It is this type of theater that deals with the absurd aspects of life, to stress upon its native meaninglessness. It is the time and identity of characters that are usually vague or ambiguous in such plays from the theater of absurd. The plays are dreamy and impossible to implement in real life and the dialogues of such plays are irrational and make the play seem absurd because the whole structure of the play is in repetition. In this play, Samuel Beckett emphasizes upon human suffering. The play revolves primarily around Estragon and Vladimir who endlessly wait for something to help overcome their boredom and sins because they seek redemption as mentioned in the play. Godot can be assumed as one of the many wishes that Vladimir and Estragon wait for. Waiting for Godot is part of the ‘Theater of the Absurd’. This implies that it is meant to be irrational and pointless in nature since you do not have a proper moral and conclusion to the play, i.e., it is an open ended play. The readers and audiences can have many conclusions towards the end of the play. The concepts of drama, chronological plot, logical language, themes, and recognizable settings are features of drama that a play from the Theatre of Absurd does not have. We see how the characters of Vladimir and Estrago... ...s with their incoherent colloquy. And above than all, its theme is unexplained meaning that the play does not only have a single theme like adventure or action. â€Å"Waiting for Godot† is an absurd play for it is devoid of characterization and motivation. Though characters are present but are not recognizable for whatever they do and whatever they present is purposeless. Works Cited Beckett, Samuel. Waiting For Godot. 3rd ed. N.p.: CPI Group, 2006. Print. Vol. 1 of Samuel Beckett: The Complete Dramatic Works. 4 vols Samuel Beckett’s Waiting For Godot and The Theater of The Absurd Essay With the appearance of Waiting for Godot at the Thà ©Ãƒ ¢tre de Babylone in Paris in 1953, the literary world was shaken by the arrival of a drama so different yet so thrilling that it gave rise to the "Theater of the Absurd". His contribution to this particular type of theater movement allows us to refer to him as the father of the genre. While other dramatists, such as Tom Stoppard, have also contributed to this genre, Beckett remains its single, most lofty figure. It is this type of theater that deals with the absurd aspects of life, to stress upon its native meaninglessness. It is the time and identity of characters that are usually vague or ambiguous in such plays from the theater of absurd. The plays are dreamy and impossible to implement in real life and the dialogues of such plays are irrational and make the play seem absurd because the whole structure of the play is in repetition. In this play, Samuel Beckett emphasizes upon human suffering. The play revolves primarily around Estragon and Vladimir who endlessly wait for something to help overcome their boredom and sins because they seek redemption as mentioned in the play. Godot can be assumed as one of the many wishes that Vladimir and Estragon wait for. Waiting for Godot is part of the ‘Theater of the Absurd’. This implies that it is meant to be irrational and pointless in nature since you do not have a proper moral and conclusion to the play, i.e., it is an open ended play. The readers and audiences can have many conclusions towards the end of the play. The concepts of drama, chronological plot, logical language, themes, and recognizable settings are features of drama that a play from the Theatre of Absurd does not have. We see how the characters of Vladimir and Estrago... ...s with their incoherent colloquy. And above than all, its theme is unexplained meaning that the play does not only have a single theme like adventure or action. â€Å"Waiting for Godot† is an absurd play for it is devoid of characterization and motivation. Though characters are present but are not recognizable for whatever they do and whatever they present is purposeless. Works Cited Beckett, Samuel. Waiting For Godot. 3rd ed. N.p.: CPI Group, 2006. Print. Vol. 1 of Samuel Beckett: The Complete Dramatic Works. 4 vols

Analysis of The Communist Manifesto Essay -- Karl Marx, marxism, Bourg

Karl Marx (1818-1883) was one of the most influential thinkers and writers of modern times. Although it was only until after his death when his doctrine became world know and was titled Marxism. Marx is best known for his publication, The Communist Manifesto that he wrote with Engels; it became a very influential for future ideologies. A German political philosopher and revolutionary, Karl Marx was widely known for his radical concepts of society. This paper give an analysis of â€Å"The Manifesto† which is a series of writings to advocate Marx ‘s theory of struggles between classes. I will be writing on The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848, which lays down his theories on socialism and Communism. The Manifesto has four sections. In the first section, it discusses Communism, and the theory of history and the relationship between Proletarians and Bourgeoisie. The second section explains the relationship between the Communists and the proletarians. The third sections addressed the flaws in other previous socialist literature. The final section discusses the relationship between the Communists and other The Communist Manifesto describes how as history society matured so did the history of class conflicts. Claiming that every society is essentially divided into the oppressors and the oppressed (126). Marx will explain in the past, societies were organized in more complex combinations and hierarchies, but modern society is being split into two ‘hostile camps’ (128). He saw he bourgeoisie as nothing more than millionaires who sought to profit with the Industrial Revolution and the begging of globalization. Doing so at the expense of the proletariats, which can be explained as the working or lower class. Today we can compare the b... equality would be through socialist system. Abolishing private property that only adds to the bourgeoisie’s capital furthering their power. The working class is nothing more than human capital, â€Å"the means of production within a society both engenders and controls them, making them slaves to the production of goods†. He advocated that communism is the only alternative to escape this system. Thought is a product of matter and without; there would be no separate ideas. Equally comes from placing society† his or her according ability and to each according to their need†. Works Cited 1851-1852;†¨First Published: New York Tribune, 1851-1852, as book, 1896;†¨Edited: Eleanor Marx Aveling;†¨Transcribed: Sally Ryan 1999;†¨HTML Markup: Sally Ryan 1999;†¨ Proofed and corrected: Mark Harris 2010.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

United Way

The beginning of United Way was in 1887 by a Denver woman, a priest, two ministers, and a rabbi because of these individuals recognizing the need for cooperative action to address their city’s welfare problems (â€Å"United Way†, 2012). As the years went by the organization was starting to become much larger than anyone could imagine.Today United Way is a non-profit organization that helps individuals and families within the United States and international helping to improve education, promote healthy lives, and help individuals to achieve financial stability (â€Å"United Way†, 2012). The United Way organization is beneficial and truly a must in the areas that it services and Team C will outline how important United Way is to building culture and the community. Organizational StructureA structure depends entirely on the organizations objective and the strategy the organizations are trying to achieve. The organizational structure determines the manner and extent to which roles, power, responsibilities the organization delegates, control, and coordinates, and how information flows between levels of management (â€Å"Businessdictionary. com†, 2012). One would consider United Way to have a matrix structure. This structure consists of both functional and divisional structures. Functional structure is set up by grouping the organization according to purpose.The divisional structure is a large organization that operates in a wide geographic area or can have smaller organizations to cover different type service areas. The United Way organizational structure consists of many layers of management and employees who will execute numerous functions. As a result, United Way will have board of directors that can include eight or more individuals. The board of directors consists of two presidents one who is the chief executive officer, and the other is the president of United Way U.S. A. , three different vice presidents, three executive vice presi dents, four senior vice presidents, and four chief employees. The top of United Way chain will be the chief executive officer who manages the organization. Under the chief executive officer are the vice president, department managers, and employees. The structure of United Way gives the organization clear guidelines for how the organization should proceed. The members will bind together giving meaning and identity to the people and the group.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Management comprises

Management comprises of direction and control of a group of wiz or to a greater ex tent people or entities for the purpose of arrange and harmonizing that group towards accomplishing a goal. In melody, c atomic number 18 a great deal encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, pecuniary resourced, technological resources and natural resources. Since the instruction discussion section is the core of effective operations, strategies and proper surgical procedure essential run it.If employers are bona fide ab expose unwrapicipation, the prime theater of operations of vigilance pays to be the daily expression of managers. This necessitates reviewing the performance, selection and training of managers. The worst matter to do is to promote people into managerial jobs spot letting them think that they subscribe to non suck in their managerial responsibilities seriously (p. 10). Participation besides needs to be examined in the context of organiza tional and interior(a) culture and the pressures on an organization at particular points in quantify. Too often the topic is addressed as though the objectives potful be achieved simply with mechanistic imposition. To understand what makes of an effective manager, I have studied Rees and Porters Skills of Management and interviewed two managers.The first interviewee is Lisa McCormack, a 35 age old operate Manager in a health Service provider in Ireland. She has a degree in Social acquisition and a digest graduate lambskin in caution studies. She has as well consummate com marker courses, health and safety courses, and duration management and conflict resolution. She has been with her current employer for ten familys.Lisa is a full-time Services Manager, whose important responsibilities are matched with that of a manager. Her main responsibilities in her current position include strategical planning for answers, report preparation, budget allocation, faculty manage ment and working as part of a multi corrective team to enkindle utility provision for their client group.Lisa was utilize in 1998 as a cast Coordinator, which included just slightly management duties scarce a project Manager was trusty for the plane section. She worked as a project coordinator until 2002 when she was ordained Services Coordinator, which again included some management duties moreover supervised by a Service Manager. In 2005 she was promoted to work a Service Manager where she takes all over full management duties. Management does not take place in a vacuum but in a particular set of circumstances unremarkably requiring specialiser k straight offledge. It would be unusual for a manager in a specializer environment to have had geezerhood of specialiser training but whole old age of management training (p.2).Management escalator cla pulmonary tuberculosis is progression of responsibilities, from medical specialists to managerial, through time to friend employees acquire managerial skills overtime while developing operational skills at the alike time. This transition, as managerial responsibilities increase and specialist activities decrease, gives the employee a more impecc adapted expertness in the department.Specialists often acquire managerial responsibilities, and often quite early in their career. Those aspiring to management have renovate that their entry route is via a specialist department. Consequently, it is distract to see that managers have the justly blend of specialist and managerial skills and that they are given help in adjusting to managerial roles. The implications of the specialist route into management need to be reflected in the structure of increasingly popular undergraduate programs in business studies. There is a case for much(prenominal) courses having both specialist options and a managerial component.Service management is integrated into submit Chain Management as the vocalize mingled wit h the actual sales and the customer. A do manager reduces naughty good costs by integrating the service and products supply chain. She also reduces parentage levels of service split and therefore reduces total inventory costs. She optimizes customer service and service quality.She helps in the increase of service revenue by reducing obsolescence costs of service parts through improved forecasting. A service manager may also asperse technician visits as with her knowledge and expertise, she can fix related enigmas. There is no dash she can miss these skills through her years of specialist activities.She believes that her education has served her in truth hygienic in gaining promotions but she would consider her escaped education within the organization as very relevant to her current managerial position as Increases in the total of management training are one thing, ensuring that training is effective is another, (p. 17). Professional buzz off in the organization teaches helpful use than theories.The second interviewee is a 52 year old Manager of a orbiculate clothing production company. He claims that hes a full time Manager of the Sales Department but states that 50% of his time is fatigued on managerial responsibilities while 25% of it is pass on changes, which their clients might require in the future and the remaining 25% spent on trying to get virgin clients.According to Rees and Porter, management operates through miscellaneous functions, such as (a) the planning and decision making what needs to happen in the future. It also includes generating plans for action (b) organizing, which is the making optimum use of the resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans (c) leading and motivating, which is the exhibiting of skills in specialty areas for get others to play an effective part in achieving plans and (d) controlling, monitoring, and checking of progress against plans, which may need modification based on feed back. From this it can be inferred that though hes a full-time manager performing specialist responsibilities, he in fact comprises the chance upon skills of an effective manager.He has worked five years as a specialist sales soul before becoming a supervisor and four years subsequent became a manager. Managerial responsibility usually flows from specialist expertise if a person has to run a specialist unit of measurement they are unlikely to be able to do this unless they understand what their subordinates are doing and can give appropriate guidance about working methods and end results (p. 6).Another problem that can arise people with land in a particular management specialty. Like other specialists, they may remunerate too much attention to their area of historic specialization. They may give too much priority in call of time and decision making to issues in their specialized area (p.11). He has been a very effective sales specialist, which caused his department to expand. Promotion to supervisory or management positions of specialists may reduce or carry away the opportunity to do the work for which they were adroit and with which they identify (p. 12) but apparently this does not prove as in his case.He has taken a two-year post graduate course in task Administration and attended many seminars. He says his formal management training, his BA course, is very effective and that he could not have done what he has accomplished now without it.Though role definition must be crystal clear to put a precise boundary between managers and specialists whose responsibilities are both overlapping, the two interviewees delegate that their managerial position does not take their operational responsibilities away.Organizations must be unreserved when it comes to job descriptions to avoid confusion. The selectors of managers must also be competent since incompetent ones would only appoint those skillful specialists into managerial positions they are not good in or unprepared for. Organizations who assign managerial responsibilities to specialists without formality may also encounter problems such as a demand for high paying specialist jobs, ineffective and rock-bottom incentives for quality work from specialists who perform managerial responsibilities, and specialists encountering difficulty in integrating with colleagues. However, such problems are not demonstrated by both interviewees.Managers should also identify what disciplinary handling skills need to be develop in organizations. Much attention is often paid to serious issues such as dismissal but most disciplinary action is, or needs to be, at the base where action such as counseling and informal warnings may be what is required. Training provided is often heavily point around the law and more appropriate for managers than specialists. Focuses on the need to clarify responsibilities, the reputation of the skills managers need, the way these skills can be developed and the prev entive aspects of discipline. Crucial managerial skills should be identified and categorized into process skills. bloodlineRees & Porter, Skills of Management, Chapter 1 Thomson Learning, 2001